MEL FRIESEN - Treasurer
I superannuated from teaching in 2004 after a 30 year career in Saskatchewan schools. My last 21 years were spent at Herbert High School where I taught primarily Math and Physics. I enjoy exploring historic sites and museums, volunteering, and genealogy. I am looking forward to serving our organization as treasurer.
ROSALIE FLYNN - Constitution
Rosalie retired from teaching in 2011. Her career began at O.M. Irwin Middle School. In 1987 she transfered to Swift Current Comprehensive High School where she primarily taught Physical Education. After serving as Chapter treasurer and communications officer, Rosalie is looking forward to serving her as the Chapter Constitution chair.
Loretta retired in June, 1988. When Al Hrycyna, original editor of the SC Chapter newsletter passed away suddenly in Oct/91, Loretta was asked to step in and the rest is history as this fall’s issue begins her 25th year as editor of “In Touch”. She was also editor of Outreach, the provincial newsletter from the fall of 1993 to June 2007. Both “jobs” were and are a ‘labour of love’ and augmented by her service at her church with a monthly newsletter, she's happy to be at home with Al where they play some great games of crib..
Chapter Award Committee: Shirley Dyck, Eileen Hartman, Loretta Romankewicz
STS Provincial Liaison: Joyce Hoffman
Nomination Committee: vacant
Get Well Messages
and Condolence Messages: Loretta Romankewicz
Constitution Committee: Wally Derkach, Shirley Dyck, Rosalie Flynn, Gail Wesolowski